Poco General FAQ - Changing the order of the address books

Changing the order of the address books

Q: Is there a way to change the order of address books? They seem to me to be locked in by creation date or something. Can one change this or sort them somehow?
A: Poco displays the address books in the order they were defined and does not provide a mechanism to change the order. You can, however, re-order the address books manually by editing the the Poco.ini file in your main Poco directory. Make sure you shutdown Poco first and remove it from the task bar if it's there, if you are using PocoBot then suspend it.
  1. Make a backup of the Poco.ini file.
  2. Open it in a text editor (like NotePad).
  3. Locate the "Address=" line.
  4. Rearrange the entries so they are in the desired order. Make sure there is a comma between each of them and that the list is surrounded by " marks. There must not be any extra characters either and no leading or trailing commas in the list.
  5. Save the file and close the editor.
  6. Restart Poco and check the address book order.