Description | Syntax | Button? | Control strip? |
Activate the privacy sheet. | /menu/privacy | Y | Y |
Add an entry to a group in the specified address book. | /address/add/BOOK/GROUP/ADDRESS |
Y | ? |
Add an entry to the current address book parsing the "NAME" into name and address fields.. | /address/add/NAME |
Y | ? |
Adds an entry to the specified address book parsing the "NAME" into name and address fields. | /address/add/BOOK/ADDRESS |
Y | ? |
Annotate the current message. | /perform/annotate/current | Y | Y |
Annotate all selected messages. The same annotation is applied to every message. | /perform/annotate/selected | Y | ? |
Bounce the selected message to the indicated recipient using the specified template. | /perform/bounce/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT | Y | Y |
Check the mail for a specific account | /checkmail/Account | Y | Y |
Check the mail for all accounts | /checkmail | Y | Y |
Check to see if you are using the current version of Poco (requires internet connection). | /menu/update | Y | Y |
Compress the current mailbox. | /menu/compress | Y | Y |
Delete the selected message(s). | /menu/delete | Y | Y |
Display the QuickGuide. | /menu/quickguide | Y | Y |
Edit the selected message. | /menu/edit | Y | Y |
Exit Poco. | /menu/exit | Y | Y |
Forward the selected message to the indicated recipient using the specified template. | /perform/forward/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT | Y | Y |
Go to the next message (skips any messages in the current thread if you are on the parent message of the thread). | /menu/next | Y | Y |
Go to the previous message (the parent message in the thread if there are multiple messages in the previous message thread). | /menu/previous | Y | Y |
Invoke the Poco help for a specified area/topic. | /helpon/URL | N | N |
Open a compose window to send a message to a recipient using the specified template. | /perform/newmessage/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT | Y | Y |
Open a reply to the selected message using the indicated template. (The "RECIPIENT" is ignored). | /perform/reply/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT | Y | Y |
Open an input box for creating a new folder. | /menu/newfolder | Y | Y |
Open an input box for creating a new mailbox. | /menu/newmailbox | Y | Y |
Open the accounts dialog. | /menu/accounts | Y | Y |
Open the attachments folder. | /menu/openattachments | Y | N |
Open the current address book. | /menu/addressbook | Y | Y |
Open the designated mailbox. | /perform/openmailbox/MAILBOXNAME | Y | Y |
Open the filter add dialog for the specified header and text. | /filter/add/HEADER/TEXT | Y | Y |
Open the junk mail filtering window. | /menu/junkmail | Y | Y |
Open the options window to the specified pane. | /options/PANENAME | Y | Y |
Open the poco help index in your web browser. | /perform/externalhelp | N | Y |
Open the Poco "Search Messages" window. | /menu/find | Y | Y |
Open the "Print Preview" window for the selected message. | /menu/print | Y | Y |
Open the progress dialog. | /menu/progress | Y | Y |
Open the property sheet for the current mailbox. | /menu/mailboxproperties | Y | Y |
Open the "View Mail on Server" window. | /menu/viewserver | Y | Y |
Print the current message (same as "menu/print") | /perform/print | Y | Y |
Produce a report on the specified address. | /address/report/ADDRESS |
Y | Y |
Refresh the list of mailboxes. | /menu/refreshmailboxes | Y | Y |
Remove the indicated address from the specified address book. | /address/remove/BOOK/ADDRESS |
Y | ? |
Remove the specified address from the indicated group in the specified address book | /address/remove/BOOK/GROUP/ADDRESS |
Y | ? |
Remove the specified entry from all address books in which it was found. | /address/remove/ADDRESS |
Y | ? |
Send queued messages | /menu/sendqueued | Y | ? |
Toggle the address list pane on and off. | /menu/addresslist | Y | Y |
Toggle "Fast read" mode. | /menu/fastread | Y | Y |
Toggle the header view between abbreviated and full headers. You must have be viewing headers for the message first. | /menu/toggleheaders | Y | Y |
Toggle the mailbox pane on and off. | /menu/mailboxes | Y | Y |
Turn the toolbar off. When used as a custom button turn the toolbar back on by selecting "Show Toolbar" from the "View" menu. | /menu/toolbar | Y | Y |
Zoom the preview pane (equivalent of pressing F11). | /menu/zoom | Y | Y |