Poco User Interface - Command Tags

Poco User Interface - Command Tags

This article in the Poco FAQ lists custom commands that can be assigned to one of the buttons in the Poco toolbar. The columns to the right indicate the areas of the Poco interface where the command tags can be used. For all uses except button assignments prefix the "syntax" operand with the "pococommand:" prefix string.

Description Syntax Button? Control strip?
Activate the privacy sheet. /menu/privacy Y Y
Add an entry to a group in the specified address book. /address/add/BOOK/GROUP/ADDRESS Y ?
Add an entry to the current address book parsing the "NAME" into name and address fields.. /address/add/NAME Y ?
Adds an entry to the specified address book parsing the "NAME" into name and address fields. /address/add/BOOK/ADDRESS Y ?
Annotate the current message. /perform/annotate/current Y Y
Annotate all selected messages. The same annotation is applied to every message. /perform/annotate/selected Y ?
Bounce the selected message to the indicated recipient using the specified template. /perform/bounce/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT Y Y
Check the mail for a specific account /checkmail/Account Y Y
Check the mail for all accounts /checkmail Y Y
Check to see if you are using the current version of Poco (requires internet connection). /menu/update Y Y
Compress the current mailbox. /menu/compress Y Y
Delete the selected message(s). /menu/delete Y Y
Display the QuickGuide. /menu/quickguide Y Y
Edit the selected message. /menu/edit Y Y
Exit Poco. /menu/exit Y Y
Forward the selected message to the indicated recipient using the specified template. /perform/forward/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT Y Y
Go to the next message (skips any messages in the current thread if you are on the parent message of the thread). /menu/next Y Y
Go to the previous message (the parent message in the thread if there are multiple messages in the previous message thread). /menu/previous Y Y
Invoke the Poco help for a specified area/topic. /helpon/URL N N
Open a compose window to send a message to a recipient using the specified template. /perform/newmessage/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT Y Y
Open a reply to the selected message using the indicated template. (The "RECIPIENT" is ignored). /perform/reply/TEMPLATE/RECIPIENT Y Y
Open an input box for creating a new folder. /menu/newfolder Y Y
Open an input box for creating a new mailbox. /menu/newmailbox Y Y
Open the accounts dialog. /menu/accounts Y Y
Open the attachments folder. /menu/openattachments Y N
Open the current address book. /menu/addressbook Y Y
Open the designated mailbox. /perform/openmailbox/MAILBOXNAME Y Y
Open the filter add dialog for the specified header and text. /filter/add/HEADER/TEXT Y Y
Open the junk mail filtering window. /menu/junkmail Y Y
Open the options window to the specified pane. /options/PANENAME Y Y
Open the poco help index in your web browser. /perform/externalhelp N Y
Open the Poco "Search Messages" window. /menu/find Y Y
Open the "Print Preview" window for the selected message. /menu/print Y Y
Open the progress dialog. /menu/progress Y Y
Open the property sheet for the current mailbox. /menu/mailboxproperties Y Y
Open the "View Mail on Server" window. /menu/viewserver Y Y
Print the current message (same as "menu/print") /perform/print Y Y
Produce a report on the specified address. /address/report/ADDRESS Y Y
Refresh the list of mailboxes. /menu/refreshmailboxes Y Y
Remove the indicated address from the specified address book. /address/remove/BOOK/ADDRESS Y ?
Remove the specified address from the indicated group in the specified address book /address/remove/BOOK/GROUP/ADDRESS Y ?
Remove the specified entry from all address books in which it was found. /address/remove/ADDRESS Y ?
Send queued messages /menu/sendqueued Y ?
Toggle the address list pane on and off. /menu/addresslist Y Y
Toggle "Fast read" mode. /menu/fastread Y Y
Toggle the header view between abbreviated and full headers. You must have be viewing headers for the message first. /menu/toggleheaders Y Y
Toggle the mailbox pane on and off. /menu/mailboxes Y Y
Turn the toolbar off. When used as a custom button turn the toolbar back on by selecting "Show Toolbar" from the "View" menu. /menu/toolbar Y Y
Zoom the preview pane (equivalent of pressing F11). /menu/zoom Y Y