A: |
While a script can do this (and there is one for this purpose in the registered user's area) you'd be better off creating a true mailing list (called a "Group" in Poco) within your
address book. To do this:
- Make sure the address book you want to add the group to is displayed in the address list pane.
- Right click within the pane and select "New Address...".
- Change the "Entry type:" to "Group".
- Assign a nickname and give the list a name using the "Nick" and "Name" fields.
- Press the "Show more" button.
- Enter the people you want on the mailing list in the "Name" field you can use either full names,
or nick names (including other mailing list nick names - well thought out Slaven!) or you can enter the person's email address in the "EMail" field.
- Click "Ok".
- Locate the mailing list entry in the address book and double click it. Poco will open the compose window to send a message to all the recipients listed in the mailing list.
- Using nicknames or mailing list names is the preferred means of doing this as you will only have a single place to change the email id should someone on your list change their address. The following example should illustrate why I refer to this as the preferred method:
Imagine you work in a company that is sub-divided into three departments, Design, Sales and Support.
Anne, Bob, Pam and Paul work in the design area, Charles, Rose and Susan in Sales and Agnes, Brian and Steve work in Support. You need to be able to send messages to people individually, to all
members of a department and sometimes to everyone in the company. My suggestion would be to create
individual entries for each person. In this example we'll use their first name as their nickname.
Then create three groups, Design, Sales and Support. Put the nicknames of the individual members of
each department into the list for that department. Eg:
Design: Anne, Bob, Pam, Paul
Sales: Charles, Rose, Susan
Support: Agnes, Brian, Steve
To create the list for the entire company you would create a list called "Company" which would contain:
Design, Sales, Support
Now, if Paul was transfered to Sales you would simply remove his nickname from the "Design" list and
add it to the "Sales" list.
If Agnes got a new email address then you simply change her email address in her main entry.
If the Sales department hired two new people, Jane and Thomas you would:
- Add individual entries for each of them
- Modify the "Sales" list to include their nicknames.
- You can drag and drop names onto the list from an address book. Hold the "Ctrl" key down to copy
the name instead of moving it. If you need to expand the address list pane to display more names
toggle full display by pressing F8.