Poco Script FAQ - Adding custom headers

Poco Script FAQ - Adding custom headers

Q: I've seen people with headers in their mail such as:

X-Lamers: people who can't read headers
X-Elite: you know it
X-AOLers: we all know they suck

I've tried using Poco script to add custom headers to my messages but I get errors about missing values.

A: Try the format: deleteheader X-Custom %message addheader %message X-Custom X-Value The deleteheader is only required if the message already contains an "X-Custom" header.

Where "X-Custom" is the name of your custom tag (eg: X-Elite:) and "X-Value" is the value the tag is to take on. You will need to quote the X-Value portion.

addheader %message X-Elite: "you know it" If you run into problems with this syntax then try assigning "you know it" to a variable and using that variable in the addheader command.