Poco Virus Scan FAQ - Problems using Norton AntiVirus and Poco

Poco Virus Scan FAQ - Problems using Norton AntiVirus and Poco

Failing with message "Poco encountered a problem while downloading/decoing this message"

From time to time the local proxy call for Norton to check the email FAILS and POCO returns "Poco encountered a problem while downloading/decoding this message"... on the next or subsequent getmail, the interface works fine and messages are retrieved ok.

Rechecking ALL firewall settings I discovered that POCO was blocked from getting mail from one email account, which was the email account POCO was failing on... after changing the firewall setting to allow POCO access to any email server, all was well again.

What EXE program do I use? The directory in which Nav lives has 10 different EXE files.

Use the Navw32.exe file.