Poco Reading Mail FAQ - Saving and edited incoming message

Poco Reading Mail FAQ - Saving and edited incoming message

Q: How do I save an incoming message that I have edited. I can edit but cannot find where to save the edited message.
A: I presume you are using the "Edit message" function to edit the message and are wanting to save your changes back to the folder where the message was. As far as I know, the "Edit message" function allows two choices for saving the message:
  • Save it as a draft message in the "Draft" folder.
  • Save it as a text file on your hard drive.
There is no direct means of saving it back in the original folder (as the Edit Message option was not designed for editing incomming messages), however, you can get around this as follows:
  1. Save the edited message to the Drafts folder.
  2. Open the drafts folder and drag the message back to the original folder.
  3. Delete the prior (unedited) version of the message from the original folder.
NOTE: This technique changes the headers of the message which is probably not what you are wanting (for instance the "To" header is changed to your default account and the "Date" header is changed to the date you saved the message).