Summary of PocoScript commands

Alphabetical summary by command name

AddHeaderAdds a header to a message
AddToAssigns a primary recipient to a message
AssignBodyAssigns the body to a message
CharCountDetermine the length (number of characters) in a string
ChopStringExtract a portion of a string
CreateMessageCreate a blank message
DeleteMessageDelete a message
LineCountDetermine the number of lines in a multi-line variable
LinePosDetermine the location of a line within a multi-line variable. Note the line must match the target line exactly, partial matches are not found.
ReadAttachedList the file names of the attachments for an email
ReadHeaderRead a header from an existing email
SetAssign a value to a variable or make a copy of an existing variable
StringPosDetermine the position of one string within another
SubIntegersTo subtract one integer from another