Poco General FAQ - Searching the Poco help files

Poco General FAQ - Searching the Poco help files

Q: I have difficulty finding what I need when I need help (speaking of the software help). For me (a person who doesn't know much about filtering, scripting, etc)., I find that I am kind of lost reading the software help file.
A: I agree, the help is the weakest feature of an otherwise stupendous product. A few tips though:

You might find answers to your questions in either Slaven's Poco FAQ on the poco website or this one.

To search the help files for a specific phrase:

The items below are from Windows 2000, I think the terminology is different under other windows operating systems but it should be pretty easy to sort out.

  1. From your computer's start menu select "Search" -> "For files or folders"
  2. In the "Search for files or folders named" enter "*.html"
  3. In the "Containing text:" box enter the word or phrase you are looking for
  4. In the "Look in" box select "Browse" and navigate to the "Help" folder beneath your Poco install directory
  5. Press "Search"

For Windows 95 & Windows NT the process is:

  1. From your computer's start menu select "Find" -> "Files or Folders"
  2. In the "Named" field on the "Name & Location" tab enter "*.html"
  3. Press the "Browse" button and navigate to the "Help" folder beneath your Poco install directory
  4. Press the "Advanced" tab
  5. In the "Containing text:" field enter the word or phrase you are looking for
  6. Press "Find Now"

For Windows 98 the process is:

  1. From your computer's start menu select "Find" -> "Files or Folders"
  2. In the "Named" field on the "Name & Location" tab enter "*.html"
  3. In the "Containing text:" field enter the word or phrase you are looking for
  4. In the "Look in:" box ????
  5. Press "Find Now"