Poco Address FAQ - Maintaining Group Entries in Alpha Order

Poco Address FAQ - Maintaining Group Entries in Alpha Order

Q: In a group address, I like to keep the names in alphabetic order. Once I have my names (or is it nicknames, I'm never really sure) in place and in alpha order, what happens when I need to add another name somewhere in the center. Is there a way to do that?
A: Although it initally appears that when you use the drag and drop method of adding an address to a group or when you use the "Add address to group" function, that they entries are automatically maintained in alpha order they actually are not. (If you switch to another address book and then back the list will appear in alpha order but if you open the "Properties" for the group you will see that they are not).

The solution is actually quite simple:

  1. Open the group entry (right click on the group and select "Properties"),
  2. Click on either the name or email column heading,
  3. Press "Ok".
The entries will be sorted by that column and these changes will be saved in the address book.