Description and Instructions for the ViewInBrowser Script

Description and Instructions for the ViewInBrowser Script

Purpose: To view a styled email message in a web browser.

Note: Improvements to Poco's HTML rendering capability in version 2.5 may make this script obsolete. It is still available both to demostrate some scripting techniques and commands and, in the event that a rending problem is discovered with Poco 2.5.

Occasionally you may receive an email that Poco cannot display properly. This is often due to syntax errors in the HTML (although I've seen this in spam messages where the message includes JavaScript). This script will allow you to view the message in your web browser which may be more forgiving of HTML syntax errors.

Note: You may want to run the DetectJavaScript script I wrote prior to running this script. If the message contains JavaScript it is possible that it is an attempt to "wiretap" the message.

Setup: Specify the web browser of your preference (default is NetScape).

This script is designed to be run against Selected messages.

This script can be downloaded from the Registered users area of the main Poco website.